Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 Articles

How to protect joints and ligaments?

From time to time, during power loads, the joints are injured, lowering their shock-absorbing function. Numerous flexion and extension movements systematically thin the cartilage tissue. In this regard, prophylactic strengthening of connective tissues with the help of specialized supplements will not be superfluous for all intensive trainers. In addition, if you feel a slight discomfort …

The whole truth about alcohol and bodybuilding

In this article, we’ll take a look at the effects of alcohol on bodybuilding. For some, alcohol is something cultural like drinking wine or beer; but this consumption can also be festive and that is why more and more young people are drinking for intoxication. Fortunately, the effects of alcohol on muscle gain are directly …

Should we take a pre-workout before each workout?

A pre-workout or often called a muscle building booster is an all-in-one formula, composed mainly of stimulating ingredients for allow you to increase your energy to support intense and lasting efforts. What is a pre-workout? As its name suggests, it is a product that is consumed before a workout to avoid the risk of fatigue …