Whey is a dietary supplement made up only of protein and amino acids. Very popular and used by bodybuilders, it can participate in the maintenance and development of muscle mass (1). By its composition, it is often low in calories, carbohydrates and fats, and even more particularly if you opt for a whey isolate. Replacing …
Should we take a pre-workout before each workout?
A pre-workout or often called a muscle building booster is an all-in-one formula, composed mainly of stimulating ingredients for allow you to increase your energy to support intense and lasting efforts. What is a pre-workout? As its name suggests, it is a product that is consumed before a workout to avoid the risk of fatigue …
Whey and mass gain
Whey protein was a huge hit with bodybuilders in the late 90s. Laboratories and manufacturers food supplements and supplements have taken advantage of this enthusiasm to develop this market. Different types of whey protein then appeared The different types of Whey for weight gain Whey concentrates Whey isolate CFM or “Cross-Flow Microfiltration” Hydrolyzed whey Opting …
What is the difference between whey and protein?
On the market, there are different sources of protein which are protein powder like whey but also protein in solid form that we find in our food: meat, fish, eggs or even vegetable proteins for example. Based on scientific studies, it has been proven that protein can help maintain and develop muscle mass (1). We …
What to eat before strength training?
A question often comes up among bodybuilders: “What should you eat before a workout?” “Everyone is looking for the perfect meal or snack to consume before a session to have maximum energy. Nutrition is therefore very important in the practice of a sports activity since it is considered as the fuel of the body and …
What is Arginine?
If you are interconnected with fitness and strength sports, or lead an active and healthy lifestyle, then the body’s replenishment of amino acids must be carried out stably and in the required amount. Amino acids are required by the entire body to carry out various physiological processes. The amino acid l-arginine takes part in many …
How to choose your brand of sports nutrition?
In the sports nutrition market, there are a large number of dietary supplement brands that offer many products that may have similar compositions and it can be difficult to choose the one that will suit us best. However, not all brands offer the same product quality, hence the fact that they have more or less …