Showing: 11 - 20 of 20 Articles

What to eat before strength training?

A question often comes up among bodybuilders: “What should you eat before a workout?” “Everyone is looking for the perfect meal or snack to consume before a session to have maximum energy. Nutrition is therefore very important in the practice of a sports activity since it is considered as the fuel of the body and …

How to avoid losing muscle mass during a cut?

In bodybuilding, a cut results in the elimination of fat and water while maintaining muscle mass. In general, a cut is started after a period of mass gain in order to reveal all the muscle fibers that have been hard-won when approaching a fitness competition, for example. Remember that if it’s just to get noticeable …

How to choose your brand of sports nutrition?

In the sports nutrition market, there are a large number of dietary supplement brands that offer many products that may have similar compositions and it can be difficult to choose the one that will suit us best. However, not all brands offer the same product quality, hence the fact that they have more or less …

What is a carbohydrate rebound?

What is a carbohydrate rebound? In the field of bodybuilding and more particularly of competition in this environment, you have already heard of “carbohydrate rebound” or carbohydrate discharge during dry periods, without necessarily knowing what it really is. In this article we will define what is a carbohydrate rebound which can be likened to increasing …

How to calculate your muscle mass index?

The muscle mass index is not as easy to calculate as a body mass index, which the latter does not differentiate between fat and muscle mass. Indeed, great athletes often have calculated BMIs, classifying them in the overweight or even obesity category. However, their bodies are healthy and mostly made up of muscle with little …